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ECHA Community Donations

The 2022 Charity donations, $350 each organization, are as follows:


Anchor of Hope – Anchor of Hope is diaper bank that provides free diapers to families in need.


Angel Flight – The Angel Flight organization provides free air transportation to patients who need medical care.

Essex County Community Foundation – ECCF Provides charitable giving, strengthening local non-profits in Essex County. They also address critical needs within Essex County Communities.


Lazarus House – Lazarus House Assists struggling families, provides a safe-haven for homeless families, and provides training to allow their guests to be self-reliant.


Link House – Link House provides a residential program for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.  


Merrimack Valley Food Bank – MVFB provides nutritious food and personal care items to emergency feeding programs. Serves food pantries, shelters, and meal programs.  


Project Home Again – Project Home Again turns low-income houses into homes by providing household goods, furniture and appliances necessary to live with comfort and dignity.

ECHA has also contributed $500 to the following charity:
Northeast ARC      

ARC helps children with developmental disabilities become full participants in their Essex County community. They also provide support for their families.

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